sound: @c (www.at-c.org)
length: 4’45” – format: 16:9
made for s[edition]
LIA’s The Lonely One in the Autumn (2014) was inspired by Gustav Mahler’s “Der Einsame Herbst” (The Lonely One in the Autumn) from the song “Das Lied der Erde” (Song of the Earth):
“Autumn fog creeps bluishly over the lake.
Every blade of grass stands frosted
As though an artist had jade-dust
over the fine flowers strewn.”
Gustav Mahler, “Der Einsame im Herbst”, from “Das Lied der Erde” (“The Song of the Earth”)
The work develops shapes, forms and colours that mimic the images invoked by Mahler’s lyrics: winter colours, strands of frozen grass that almost resemble breaking ice, loneliness – and the cold. The soundtrack composed by Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela underlines the composition by either complimenting images or evoking additional associations. Abstract audio develops into what could be interpreted as ice braking, and finally the dripping and pouring of water in a remote but echoing space.